Fender BXR Bass 400 Reviews 5

I bought this unit used at a local store in town. I tried it out there and it interested me, so I went home and got my bass to see how it would sound. All the tonal options and features intreaged me, so I was willing to dish out 400 bucks for it.

I love the easy to use pannel in front. It has ton of power and head room. It shakes my house! The are 11 band eq's and a high and low boost. You can get any sound out of it!

It was acting a little weird when I bought it. The heat syncs in back are huge. There are no vents on the amp or a fan to regulate temperature.

Very robust quaity construction on this piece. The heat syncs have some sharp edges so be careful handling it.

A very good deal for a dependable name brand amplifier.

Taylor rated this unit 5 on 2003-06-27.

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